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‘Tis the season to DIY your tits off in the name of holiday wholesomeness, and DIY ornaments are the perfect balance of function, ease, and wow factor. They also don’t involve a mortgage payment’s worth of burlap and twine. But, let’s be frank, 80% of the shit you see on Pinterest as far as Christmas/Holiday crafts for kids are ugly as sin. If I wanted an ornament that looks like I tie-dyed a raccoon and mummified it inside of salt dough before blasting it in the face with glitter, then I’d just buy one on the black market like the good Lord intended.
After browsing Pinterest high and low for ornament ideas, I decided to combine two elements my son loves: Lego, and snow globes. My son and his friends had a lot of fun assembling these, and they ended up being adorable little baubles I was excited to hang on my tree instead of sneaking into the trash at midnight the day after Christmas.
But, enough of my gum bumping. Let’s get crafting, you fabulous mofos!
Things you’ll need for this swearcraft:
- Clear fillable ornaments
- Artificial snow
- Santa or holiday-themed Lego minifigures. I lucked out and got a pack of 8 various Santa characters but they’re no longer available. There are many options so you’ll have to shop around to find the best deal.
- Lego trees (optional)
- Small Lego base plates (at least 4 pegs by 4 pegs if you’re including a tree, and the smaller ones that usually come with minifigures) if you don’t already have some on-hand, or some didn’t come with the minifigures.
- Clear fishing line
How to do this swearcraft:
- Have the kids assemble their Lego minifigures while you have a glass of wine and eat all the good snacks. This whole thing is really just a diversion.
- Put the minifigure and tree (if you want to include one) on a base plate together.
- Tie some fishing line around the minifigure’s head like a tiny noose, and dangle it in front of the ornament in order to judge the length you’ll need, and then cut the fishing line. (You should take this opportunity to see if your kids want to play with their minifigures more because mine decided to tell me after the whole ornament was assembled, and if glitter is the herpes of craft supplies, then artificial snow is the genital warts of craft supplies).
- Pour some artificial snow into one half of the ornament, and lay the minifigure with string attached on top of the snow. You’ll want enough snow inside to cover up the base plate. You may need to add or remove some artificial snow to get the perfect amount.
- Put the other half of the ornament on top with the tail-end of the fishing line hanging out at the top where the ornament’s loop is, and then close the ornament.
- Feed the fishing line through the ornament’s loop, tie a knot, and then cut off any excess line if you have some. The edges of the ornament should keep the fishing line in place, so tying the fishing line in a knot isn’t crucial if you think your kid is gonna beg you to take the minifigure back out, but it’s nice for added security.
- Now, hang that fabulous DIY binch on your tree and give it a fond, prolonged look. You just swearcrafted all up in this piece.
And that’s it! Simple, right?

This DIY ornament was a fun, hands-on, and mess free (because I swear if I need to vacuum up glitter for the next year I will scream) activity for the kids that required only minimal supervision when it came to putting the artificial snow in the ornaments and tying the fishing line. It’s also nice because keeping the kids busy putting pretty shit in a bubble kept them out of my bubble if you know what I’m saying.
Check out my other swearcrafts and check back in from time to time to see if I’ve got something else you might wanna try!